b. That she did not attain this objective because as from 10 February 2010, charges were brought against her by the judicial police, the Prosecutor and Courts and Tribunals of the Respondent. c. That she was charged with spreading the ideology of genocide, aiding and abetting terrorism, sectarianism and divisionism, undermining the internal security of a state, spreading rumours which may incite the population against political authorities, establishment of an armed branch of a rebel movement and attempted recourse to terrorism. 4. On 30 October 2012 and 13 December 2013, the Applicant was successively sentenced to 8 and later 15 years imprisonment by the High Court and the Supreme Court of Rwanda, respectively. Procedure 5. By letter dated 23 January 2015, the Respondent filed its Response to the Application and by letter dated 14 April2015 the Applicant filed her Reply to the Respondent's Response to the Application. 6. By letter dated 4 January 2016, the Court notified Parties that the Application had been set down for public hearing on 4 March 2016. 7. By letters dated 10 February 2015, 26 January 2016 and 1 March 2016, respectively, Advocate Gatera Gashabana, the representative of the Applicant, wrote to the Court inquiring whether the Applicant could physically attend the public hearing and whether video conferencing technology could be used to allow the Applicant to follow the proceedings of the Court in the Application. By letters dated 26 January 2016 and 2 March 2016, the Registry of the Court informed the Applicant that the Court did not deem the presence of the Applicant at the public hearing necessary and that it did not have the capacity to facilitate the use of video conferencing technology, respectively. 2

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