The Court composed of: Ben KIOKO, Vice-President; Gerard NIYUNGEKO, Fatsah OUGUERGOUZ, Augustine S. L. RAMADHANI, Duncan TAMBALA, Elsie N. THOMPSON, El Hadji GUISSE, Rafaa BEN ACHOUR, Solomy B. BOSSA, Angelo V. MATUSSE, Judges; and Robert ENO, Registrar. Pursuant to Article 22 of the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights on the Establishment of an African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights (herein after referred to as "the Protocol") and Rule 8(2) of the Rules of Court (herein-after referred to as "the Rules"), Judge Sylvain ORE, President of the Court, citizen of Cote d'lvoire, did not hear this case. In the Matter of: Actions pour Ia Protection des Droits de /'Homme (APDH) represented by: 1) Mr. Abraham Denis YAUROBAT, President, APDH National Executive Bureau; 2) Mr. Guizo Bernard TAKORE, President, APDH Judicial Committee. versus The Republic of Cote d'lvoire represented by: 1) Mr. Moussa SEFON , Justice Advisor, Office of the President of the Republic; 2) Mr. Mamadou DIANE, Human Rights and Humanitarian Action Advisor, Office of the President of the Republic; 3) Mr. lbourahema M. BAKAYOKO, Magistrate; Director, Protection of Human Rights and Public Freedoms, Ministry of Human Rights and Public Freedoms. After deliberation, renders the following Judgment: 2

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