PROCEDURE Jurisdiction Contentious cases Jurisdiction and access are related The issue of jurisdiction is considered to be closely related to access in terms of articles 3, 5 and 6 of the Protocol establishing the Court, and so may be considered at four levels - the personal, material, temporal and geographical levels (Tanganyika Law Society, The Legal and Human Rights Centre v The United Republic of Tanzania, application 009/2011; Reverend Christopher R. Mtikila v The United Republic of Tanzania, application 011/2011, judgment, 14 June 2013, Separate Opinion of Judge Ouguergouz, paras 5 & 6; Actions Pour la Protection des Droit de L’homme (APDH) v The Republic of Cote D’Ivoire, application 001/2014, Judgement, 18 November 2016, para 42).

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