y 200 9 rece ived in 9. By ano ther faxe d lette r date d 17th R'eb ruar d the Cou rt to the Reg istry on the sam e day, Sen egal requ este are a repl y to the exte nd the time limi t "to enab le it to bett er prep 11 app lkal ion • the dcr dttte d 6 1" Mar ch 200 9, rhc Cou rt gran ted l 200 9, the peri od requ est of Scnc gnl and exte nded . up Lo 14th Apri with m \·V hlch to sub mit its reply to the appl icat ion. 10. By an 01 lican t, and on J l. A copy of the orde r was serv ed on the App ch 200 9. Sen egal , bv facs imil e tran sm.i ssio n date d 7th Mar with in U1e time 12. Sen egal subm itted its stat eme nt of defe nce whi ch it rais ed limi t ind1 caLc d in the afor esai d orcieT, in tion of the Cou rt and prcl !min arv obje ctio ns rega rdin g 1he juri sdic ress ed subs tant ive adm tssib ility of the nppl icati on. and also add lSSU CS cove ring leite r of 13. The Reg istry serv ed on the App lican t, und er by Sene gal. 14 1., Apn l 200 9, n cop.v of the stat eme nt of defe nce to the said stat eme nt, 14. Thc AppiH;a nt havi ng faikc i to resp ond 111 200 9, noti fied the the 1-<vgls\J-_v by ano ther let tcr da lc:d 19 Jun e 30 days , Lhe Cou rt Appl1c.:ant !.hat if he frulc d to resp ond with in any subm issio n in wou ld nssu mc thnl he chd nol wan t to pres ent "":ith Rule 52 (5) of repl ) to lhc stat eme nt or deft :nce , in acco rdan ce lhc Rule s . d rece ipt of lhe 15. On 29th .July 200 9, the App lican t ackn owl edge afor e-m enti oned sta tcm ent of de fenc e and su bmi11ed lhat : "the y lo sign ifica ntly repl v d 1d noL in lrod uce any new clcm <'nl likel icat ion. I ther efor e mod 1(' the vicwR T exp ress ed in my initi al appl and resu bmi t mys elf to rnam lam the said view s in thei r enti rely , the aulh orit. Y of the Cou rt.'' it nece ssar y t~ 16. In viev~· of HJC fac.:Ls, the Cou rt did not deem clos e the ~as .. to hold a pub lic hear ing and , co:1 sequ en 11y, deci ded , ,~-for clcll bcr:J lion. M~ __.. ~ // I 'J-L ~ ---1--------1 ~ /"

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