2 . In accord ance \Vlth Artidc 22 of the Pro tocol to the Africa n Chart er on I Juman and People s! Rights on lhe Estab lishm ent of un Africu n Court on I Iuman and People s' Rights (herei nafter r eferre d to as "the Proi ocol"). and Rule 8 (2) of the Interim Rules of Cnurt (herei nafter referre d to as "the Rules''), Judge El Hadj Guissc ', Memb er of the Court . and H nation al of Seneg al, recuse d hjmseu·. 3. The Applic ant sent his applic ation to the Chair person of the Africa n Union Comm ission by electro nic mail dated 19th Augus t 2008. This applic ation was receiv ed in the Court Regist ry on 29th Decem ber 200H. with a coveri ng corres ponde nce from the Legal Couns el of t.hc Africa n Unwn Comm ission dated 21st Novem ber 2008 ackno wledg ed rcccip l of Lhc applic ation, and noLif.ied the Applic ant by Jetter dated 2 nd Janua ry 2009, that all comm unicat ions mean t for the Courl must be addre ssed directl y to It , at its Seat in Arush a, Tanza nia. 4 'T'hc l~cgislry 5. In accord ance with Rule 34 (6) of the Rules, the Regist ry post on ~crvcd a cop.v of Lhc applic ation on Seneg al by reg1st ered 5 1" Janua ry 2009; also in accord ance with Rule 35 (4) (a) of the lhc Regisl ry invlled Seneg al Lo comm urucat e to it, within 30 days, the names and addre sses of its repres entati ves. Rules~ 6 . Pursu ant tn Rule 35 (3) of Lhc Rules, Lhe Regist ry also inform ed the Chairper!:>On of the Africa n UnJOn Comm ission about the app1it;ation by letter of that same date. 1 7 The Applic ant inform ed th e Regist ry, by letter dated 30U 1 Janua ry 2009 receiv ed at the Regist rv on 5 h Febru ary 2009, that h e would repres ent himse lf in the matte r that he had broug ht ))_~ bcforC' 111<' Court. 8 . i'kneg nl HC"kllO\A il'dgcd !"<'('CI[11 of the appJi catiO I?ild transm it 1<'d to the Court . t hl' nnmcs of its repres entati ves mandr. tlccl lo r·ep1e scllt ll l.Jc.·forc Lhe Court , by letter of lOth Febru ary 2009 receiv ed by Lhc l<egist ry on the same day, by fax. ~( J .r. 0,

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