3. By letter of 17 October, 2011 , the Registrar of the Court requested the author to produce the proof within thirty (30) days of receipt of the letter; 4. As at the time of this Order, the author had not responded to the Registrar's letter inviting him to produce proof that he represents Libya; 5. The attitude of the author of the request for advisory opinion shows either his inability to produce the proof, or his unwillingness to pursue the matter further; 6. For these reasons, THE COURT, Unanimously: Orders that the request be removed from the general list of the Court. Done at Arusha, this thirtieth day of March, Two Thousand and Twelve, in English and French , the French text being authoritative. Signed: Gerard NIYUNGEKO, President OA/?: Robert ENO, Reg istrar 3 s

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