8. Furthermore, the Court notes that the change of the title of the Application would not adversely affect either the procedural or substantive rights of the Respondent. 9. The Court duly notes further that Karata Ernest and six (6) others have stated that they had never filed any Application with the Court nor had they authorized anyone to use their names for that purpose, and, consequently, considers that they are not party to the case. 10. Consequently, the Court deems it necessary to change the initial title of the Application from "Karata Ernest and Others v. The United Republic of Tanzania" to "Frank David Omary and Others v. The United Republic of Tanzania" as proposed by the other Applicants. 11. For these reasons, the Court hereby unanimously: - TAKES DUE NOTE of the fact that Karata Ernest and six Others are not party to this application; - CONCLUDES that consideration of Application No 001/2012 by the Court will not be affected by the change of the initial title of the Application; 4

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