The Court Compo sed of; Elsie N. THOMPSON, Vice President, Gerard NIYUNG EKO, Fatsah OUGUERGOUZ , Duncan TAMBALA, El Hadji GUISSE , Ben KIOKO . Rafaa BEN ACHOUR, Angelo Vasco MATUSSE- Judges ; and Robert ENG-Registrar. In accordance with Article 22 of the Protocol to the African Charte r on Human and Peoples' Rights on the Establishment of an African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights ("here inafter referred to as the Protocol'? and Rule 8 (2) of the Rules of Court ("hereinafter referred to as the Rules'?. Justice Augustino S. L. RAMADHANI, President of the Court and a national of Tanzania, did not hear the Application. In accordance with Article 22 of the Protocol and Rule 8 (2) of the Rules, Justice Sylvain Ore, Memb er of the Court and a national of Cote d'lvoire , did not hear the Application. In accordance with Rule 8{2)(d) of the Rules of Court, Justice So/omy Balungi BOSSA, Memb er of the Court, did not hear the Application. In the matter of: ARMAND GUEHI vs THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZA NIA After having deliberated, Makes the following Order, I. Subjec t of the Appli cat ion 1 ~I

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