I. SUBJECT OF THE APPLICATION 1. In its earlier Judgement of 28 March 2014 on this matter, after finding that the Peoples' Respondent State had violated Article 1 of the African Charter on Human and , the Rights (hereinafter referred to as "the Charter"), Articles 7 and 9 (2) of the Charter nity latter read jointly with Article 66 (2) (c) of the Revised Treaty of the Economic Commu of West African States (ECOWAS), the Court decided as follows on damages: "6. Defers its ruling on the issue of damages; from the 7. Orders the Applicants to submit to the Court the1r Brief on damages within thirty days e on date of this ruhng; and also orders the Respondent State to submit to the Court its respons ts". the damages within thirty days after receiving the response of the Applican by the 2. The present Judgme nt is therefore in respect of the claims for reparation filed According to the Applicants pursuant to the afore-cited Judgment of the Court. by the Applicants, the claims concern , firstly, the violation of Article 7 of the Charter te and Respondent State, as it had shown no diligence to apprehend, investigate, prosecu ions. put to trial those responsible for the murder of Norbert Zongo and his three compan Article The claims also re late to the violation of Article 9 (2) of the Charte r read jointly with 66 (c) of the Revised ECOW AS Treaty, to wit, the violation of the right of Burkinabe failure to journalists to freedom of expression , in the sense that "the Respondent State's in [local] find and put to trial the assassins of Norbert Zongo caused fear and anxiety specific media circles" . It is to be noted, howeve r, that no argume nt was advanced and no aforeapplication for reparation filed in furtherance of the Brief on Reparations for the mentioned violation of freedom of expression. The Court will therefore not make any on reparation in this regard . 3 ·~ ruling

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