82 Instruments of the AU Article 3: Non-discrimination Every child shall be entitled to the enjoyment of the rights and freedoms recognised and guaranteed in this Charter irrespective of the child’s or his or her parents’ or legal guardians’ race, ethnic group, colour, sex, language, relation, political or other opinion, national and social origin, fortune, birth or other status. Article 4: Best interests of the child 1. In all actions concerning the child undertaken by any person or authority, the best interests of the child shall be the primary consideration. 2. In all judicial or administrative proceedings affecting a child who is capable of communicating his or her own views, [an] opportunity shall be provided for the views of the child to be heard either directly or through an impartial representative as a party to the proceedings, and those views shall be taken into consideration by the relevant authority in accordance with the provisions of appropriate law. Article 5: Survival and development 1. Every child has an inherent right to life. This right shall be protected by law. 2. State parties to the present Charter shall ensure, to the maximum extent possible, the survival, protection and development of the child. 3. Death sentence shall not be pronounced for crimes committed by children. Article 6: Name and nationality 1. Every child shall have the right from his birth to a name. 2. Every child shall be registered immediately after birth. 3. Every child has the right to acquire a nationality. 4. State parties to the present Charter shall undertake to ensure that their constitutional legislations recognise the principles according to which a child shall acquire the nationality of the state in the territory of which he or she has been born if, at the time of the child’s birth, he or she is not granted nationality by any other state in accordance with its laws. Article 7: Freedom of expression Every child who is capable of communicating his or her own views shall be assured the right to express his opinions freely in all matters and to disseminate his opinions subject to such restrictions as are prescribed by laws. Article 8: Freedom of association Every child shall have the right to free association and freedom of peaceful assembly in conformity with the law. Article 9: Freedom of thought, conscience and religion 1. Every child shall have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. 2. Parents, and where applicable, legal guardians shall have a duty to provide guidance and direction in the exercise of these rights having regard to the evolving capacities, and best interests of the child. 3. State parties shall respect the duty of parents and, where applicable, legal guardians to provide guidance and direction in the enjoyment of these rights subject to the national laws and policies.

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