Value 1 of the Bangalore Pnncrples of Judicial Conduct 2002; (c) whether the decision violates the rrght to access to justice and effectrve remedies for SADC c1trzens as guaranteed under Articles 3 and 7 of the African Charter, Articles 18 and 19 of the Tribunal Protocol and UN Basrc Princrples and Guidelines on the Rrght to a Remedy and Reparation for Victims of Gross Vrolatrons of lnternatronal Human Rights Law and Senous Vrolatrons of International Humanrtanan Law; and (d) whether the decision-making process undertaken in the review of the SADC Tnbunal junsdrctron are in compliance wrth Article 23 of the SADC Treaty" 3. By letter dated 23 November 2012 , the Regrstry acknowledged receipt of the request 4 By email sent on 5 December, 2012, the Registry inqurred from the Afncan Commrssion on Human and Peoples' Rights (herernafter referred to as the Commissron) whether the subject matter of the Request was related to any matter pendrng before the Commrss1on 5 . By letter dated 5 December, 2012. the Commissron confrrmed that there was a matter pending before it "dealing with the suspension of the SADC Tribunal" 6 . By letter dated 10 January, 2013 , the Registry transmitted the letter of the Commrssion to the Authors and drew their atlentron to Rule 68(3) of the Rules of Court whrch provrdes that 'the subject matter of the request for advrsory oprnron shall not relate to an application pendrng before the Commrssion '. 7 As at the date of thrs Order the Authors have not responded or otherwrse reacted to the Registry's letter of 10 January, 2013 , transmrtting the letter of the Commrssron to them 3

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