I 1.:_ I ' ~ I -- referred to as "the Protocol") on 10 May 2000 and deposited the instrument of ratification on 20 June 2000. On 19 February 2010, it deposited the declaration accepting the competence of the Court to receive cases from individuals and non-governmental organisations, in accordance with Article 34(6) of the ProtocoL II. Subject of the Decision 4. On 29 December 2014, the Secretary General of the Federation Nationale des Mines et de I'Energie (FENAME) seized the Court on behalf of the Applicant. 5. The initial Application was filed against the top management of the company. ( The Applicant claimed that the employees had knowingly been leadcontaminated and unfairly dismissed , that the former workers asked for compensation for damages suffered and for the company to pay for their healthcare expenses as well as those of their families. I. Procedure 6. By a letter. of 7 January 2015, the Registry acknowledged receipt of the Application and informed the Applicant that it had put the registration of the Application on hold pending the submission by the Applicant of further information on the Respondent's identity, as well as the submission of evidence of compliance with Rule 34 (1), (2) and (4) of the Rules of Court. ( 7. On 11 February 2015, the Applicant transmitted a set of reports and documents relating to the workers' lead-contamination. 8. By a letter dated 16 February 2015, the Applicant redrafted the Application, this time around, against, Mali in lieu of the Groupe Laboratoires ALS Mali SARL. 9. By a letter of 19 February 2015, the Registry drew the attention of the Applicant to the fact that the same still did not comply with the relevant provisions of the Protoco l and of the Rules of the Court, in particular, Rule 34 (4), and advised the Applicant to seek assistance to re-draft and re-submit the Application. Page 3 of 7 I I

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