The Court composed of: Sophia A.B. AKUFFO , President, Fatsah OUGUERGOUZ, Vice-president; Bernard M NGOEPE, Gerard NIYUNGEKO; Augustine S.L. RAMADHANI , Duncan TAMBALA, Elsie N. THOMPSON , Sylvain ORE , El Hadj1 GUISSE, Ben KIOKO , and Kimelabalou ABA - Judges, and Robert ENO- Registrar, In the matter of: REQUEST FOR ADVISORY OPINION BY SOCIO - ECONOMIC RIGHTS & ACCOUNTABILITY ROJECT (SERAP) After deliberations, rnakes the following Order: 1 By a letter dated 1 March , 2012 and received at the Registry of the Court on the same day, the Socio-Economic Rights & Accountab1l1ty Project (SERAP) , requested the Court for an advisory opinion 2 In its request. SERAP requested the Court to give its opinion on "the legal and human rights consequences arising from the systematic and widespread extreme poverty 1n Nigeria", and whether 1t "breaches certain prov1s1ons of the African Charter, 1n particular, Article 2 which prohibits discrimination , including on 'any other status', and whether systematic and widespread extreme poverty can be accommodated by the phrase 'any other status"'

Select target paragraph3